Leave Your Ideas > Hate having to pay for your choice of cable company

I hate that Camden makes us pay an extra $45 a month for cable that doesn't even come with a box!!! Horrible, it's not fair to those who want better cable. I have a 3D HD TV and your cable company offers no 3D channels. Now I am paying two cable bills!

July 2, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRoban L


We are so sorry to hear that these amenities have not benefitted you. Our goal at Camden is to provide the best living experience possible. We encourage you to speak to the Community Manager to see if there is anything that can be done to resolve the issue. If you would like to give me the name of your community I can have the Community Manager contact you. Let me know and thank you so much for the feedback.

July 3, 2013 | Registered CommenterCamden

I hate having to pay for cable too. I have never had cable growing up so I don't ever watch tv. Netflix is fine. In addition to making me pay for cable that I don't want, I have to pay the same water bill as everyone else. In my 10 years of apartment living, I have never paid as much as I am paying here. It is usually $20 more than what I would expect to pay. On the subject of money, Referral bonuses...$75/$100. Really? I've been at crappy run down places that have offered around $500. Yes I know, these are just incentives but at least be competitive. We are already throwing down huge amounts of money to live here.

July 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJS

Oh wow I didn't know there was a response to my post! Yes please let me know. I will find out who the manager is. Thank you so much

July 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRoban L

If you can provide me the name of your community I can pass this along to the communty's management.

July 17, 2013 | Registered CommenterCamden

Jeff England is the name of the apartment complex manager. I was out of town so it took me a little bit to find out and respond.

Thank you again,

July 23, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRoban L

Hi Roban,

Sorry to hear about your dissatisfaction with our cable provider. Charter is in the process of upgrading their service; next month they will be providing 1 free box to every apartment. All residents should be receiving information on this within the next couple weeks. Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to discuss this further.


Jeff England

July 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJeff England

Hi Jeff, so it turns out that i have actually met you now. That is definitely a good change from charter. I remember having to search channel by channel with my tv remote having to write down when I found a channel that I liked. So I called charter and they wanted me to pay for a box. I thought that was crazy since we were already paying for service. I am sure the residents will really appreciate this change. Very nice.


July 25, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterRoban L

I agree. We are at Camden Governor's Village and the cable is poor quality and most of the time HBO does not work. We'd just assume use our Internet service to watch TV and would happily cancel cable.

October 8, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLori Reed


Thank you so much for the feedback. We are so sorry to hear that these amenities have not benefitted you. Our goal at Camden is to provide the best living experience possible. We encourage you to speak to the Community Manager to see if there is anything that can be done to resolve the issue. In the mean time I'm going to pass this along to the communty's management.

October 16, 2013 | Registered CommenterCamden

None of us enjoy being forced to pay a huge price for cable that is sub-par, but I think what I hate more is not wanting my patio door sprayed with bug spray, at all hours, WHEN it is open!!! It is not dog and cat friendly, and I don't consider pets being PESTS. Please inform people to close their doors the day the outside spraying takes place so we don't have soaked carpets, furniture and pets who are being slowly poisoned!!!!!

October 24, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDisgruntled

Thank you for your feedback, we encourage you to speak to the Community Manager to see if there is anything that can be done to resolve the issue. If you would like to give me your name/contact and the name of your community info I can have the Community Manager contact you. Let me know and thank you so much for the feedback.

October 28, 2013 | Registered CommenterCamden

I moved into Camden Martinique in June. I used the Time Warner Cable service that was included in my Rental Agreement and absolutely HATED it. I have switch to AT&T U-Verse and have been MUCH happier with my service. The only problem is, I have still been paying $54 per month for Time Warner Cable, when I don't want their services. I HAVE spoken to my community manager a few times, and they claim that nothing can be done. I am obligated to pay for a service I don't want, like, or receive. This is such a waste of money that I could be using on food to feed my family.

November 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJessica Smith

I concur with the Time Warner Cable / Cable "included" being nonsensical. Everyone I know has had to "upgrade" their service just to get a decent selection of channels and while the price might be somewhat cheaper than regular cable, it's certainly not better than what other companies are offering. I had AT&T before and paid ~$90 for internet and cable, but now with TWC, I'm paying Camden $52 and TWC $80 (and I'm basically getting the same package as I had with AT&T). HOW IS THAT A DEAL?

Camden shouldn't have cable included in their rent prices, it's a rip-off.

February 11, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCamden Manor Park Resident

Camden Providence Lakes now charges $55 month for cable service (up from $35). I also have to pay additional to Bright House for DVR and internet. It's very frustrating and I wish I got to choose my own provider. Really, I only need internet and can stream everything online.

February 15, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterReady to Move

Time Warner is planning to raise their rates again. Please consider dropping this as a required service. It benefits no one. We don't get a real discount on cable. We don't get a discount on our Internet. The only benefit I can see is if Camden is drawing commission from these monthly rates. But that leaves us, the consumer, stuck with subpar service. When we call Time Warner about the poor quality they tell us to take it up with the office, but there is nothing the office can do. Please drop this service!

February 19, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterLori Reed

I had UVerse everything before coming to Martinique. I've asked the ATT people that keep trying to get me to re-add the TV back to my Internet and phone to look into antitrust and other issues with this and to find a way to get this stopped. I'm sure Camden has already looked at that. I'm so mad I've thought of contacting my local politicians. I pay for a service I no longer even mess with because of the frustrating issues with the way TWC programs their boxes. For me, it is a waste of money and is actually split out from the rent and not considered part of it yet I can't cancel it and not pay it. This is what I was told when I moved here. Something's wrong here.

March 30, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterLinda W

I too am frustrated by the Time Warner cable package that I am forced to pay. I rarely watch television, yet I am forced to pay an above-market rate for a service I never use. Furthermore, because the cable service is tacked on to my rent, I am unable to access bundling discounts from Time Warner for the internet service I pay for. In total, I pay nearly $80 for basic cable, HBO, and basic internet. This is an above-market price and I can't do anything about it because I am unable to shop for competing services. It seems to me that the agreement that Camden has made with Time Warner limits residents' access to competitive rates and services.

Camden- why are you forcing your residents to purchase services that they may not want and that cost more than competitive market rates? Unlike community services, such as trash or water, cable services can be attached to individual units. The community manager at Camden Martinique says that he/she cannot do anything about the rates. Can Camden corporate do anything or is customer satisfaction related to this issue a cost worth whatever benefit Camden receives from Time Warner?

May 21, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterAdam B.

People, the scandalous cable "service" we are all paying for is known as "bulk billing". Google it.
It's a sleazy deal made between cable service providers, apartment owners/condo home owner's associations, etc. and the FCC. It is allegedly claimed to save subcribers money due to massive "bulks" of customers being charged a lower rate for services, but that has been disputed, and litigation has been initiated in several states.
There are horror stories of people losing their homes because they decide to opt out, and the cable companies lien their property for non payment. It's a windfall for apartment owners and cable companies, but a huge blow to competition and the resulting savings. It's got to stop. Let your voices be heard!

June 25, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRalph

I also agree. I rarely, if it all watch cable TV. I'd be more interested in paying for bulk high-speed internet than cable TV. I'm basically paying a flat rate so other people can watch TV. It should be an optional charge.

Also, I would gladly take my own trash to the dumpster to not have to pay for valet trash. I'm already paying more for trash than I actually use. I usually have one small bag of trash or recycling per week.

June 26, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterLeslie

I also agree, no one should force to use the cable, i dont have TV and still paying 52$ every month. They should have given Internet instead of Cable, as Internet is required for every one and if the speed is not good they could have upgraded. Please consider the request either remove the Cable charges or provide the Internet plan.

June 26, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterMahadev

I agree that having to pay for interment could be better than cable. That way you have more of a choice of what cable packages you could have.
I know that the majority of the apartment complexes in this area charge for the cable.

June 27, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJ

I am not so upset with the cable deal as I am with the $30 a month for the trash. I park 5 to 15 yards from a dumpster...it doesn't kill me to take out my own trash. Also, that is besides the point, since Camden Ridgecrest has limited hours in which you can sit your trash out for pick up, I cannot use the service even if I wanted to since I work evenings at the time the trash is to be put out. I agree...neither trash or cable should be forced on anyone.. Why separate it from your rent if I can't opt out to begin with!
New to Camden Ridgecrest will be internet service starting in August 2014...no details as to any cost increase as of yet!

July 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Thank you for all of the feedback. At Camden we do appreciate your opinions, both positive and negative. Your comments have all been forwarded along to the appropriate department that handles the cable, internet, and valet waste contracts.

July 9, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCamden

I agree with all of these residents. I live at Camden Legends in Henderson, Nevada. We also are being forced to pay additional money added onto our rents for cable. Cox Cable sucks, to say the least! I would prefer to use my money paying toward the water, sewer and trash bill that we also have to pay. I look at very little cable as there is nothing on it and they repeat the same shows several times per day. I have Netflix and it works 150 percent better with no commercials. Someone in Camden Corporate needs to wake up and listen to those who pay you and make you the conglomerate that you are!!

October 6, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCarlota